Articles on: Bible Survey Berlin

Spiritual Development and Written Testimony

Bible Survey students will share their testimony in class. Use this guide as a reference.

What should be Part of your Testimony

When preparing to share your testimony, keep the following guidelines in mind:
The Lord Jesus must be your focus. Share what He has done!
Use God's Word (Heb. 4:12; Eph. 6:17). Share the verses God has used to convict you of your sin. God's Word has authority (Mk. 1:22) and convicts the sinner (2 Tim. 3:16).
Use personal language/pronouns ("I" and "my") and speak in a natural manner.
Speak more of facts than of feelings. That makes for a good testimony!
Be loving in what you say (Lk 4:22), not bitter or harsh against other groups. Speak humbly, don’t boast!

The Preparation Process

Pray for wisdom and guidance to be able to explain well how you have found new life in Christ.
Write brief notes on three separate sheets of paper, headed as follows:
BEFORE: Talk about what your life was like before you came to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
HOW: How and when did Jesus Christ become your Lord and Savior? What were the exact circumstances? IWhat Scripture passages do you put your trust in?
AFTER: How has your life changed in practical ways? A commitment to Christ can only be genuine if it results in a changed life. There is no point in talking about a "decision" or a prayer if it did not lead to true change.

Updated on: 23/07/2024

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